WordPress by default uses the name “WordPress” as the sender name whenever an email is sent from your WordPress website.

Poppyz’s email sender can be changed via it’s plugin settings for each email. For default WordPress emails or if you want to change the sender for all emails at once (including Poppyz emails) please follow these steps:

  1. Before starting, make sure all your emails are being sent successfully.  Please follow this guide.
  2. If you are already using the WP Mail SMTP plugin  then this already allows you to change the sender name. Otherwise the easier method is as follows:
  3. Install the CB Change mail sender plugin.
  4. Go to its settings page and enter the new sender information:

    Important: We recommend only changing the Sender Name. Changing the Sender Email may cause your emails to not sent. Unless the email your using is on the same domain name as the website we don’t recommend changing this one.
  5. Test if emails are being sent by following the guide on step 1.