
Adding courses

  1. Adding a course is pretty straightforward – click on the Courses menu to go to the plugin dashboard. In the dashboard, click the Add New button.
  2. The Add New Course page consists of the following sections:
    1. Course TitleThis will be in the heading of the course
    2. Course ContentThis is the course description. It can be styled with HTML and CSS, and can also be designed using visual editors.
    3. LessonsLessons are discussed here.
    4. Lesson clusters These Lesson clusters are displayed in groups (like in Simone Levie’s Only Academy). This is useful when you have a lot of lessons. If you don’t add lesson clusters, only the lessons will be shown on the website.
    5. TiersTiers are discussed here.
    6. Add lesson list checkboxThis is checked by default, meaning the lesson list is automatically added after the course contentIf you want to control where the list is displayed, you can use the [lesson-list] shortcode instead.Note: The lesson list only shows to users who are currently subscribed to the course. However, for testing purposes, the admin always sees the list.