
Email Settings

  1. The plugin sends out a notification to the user after purchasing a course.
  2. To change the default email settings, go to Courses -> Settings and click on the Emails tab.
  3. The Email Message field accepts HTML formatting.
  4. The Thank You Mail sends after someone purchases a tier. The shortcode [password-link] can be used here to send a reset password link that will redirect them to a page where they can set their password.
  5. The Reminder Mail sends when the course subscriber with a Payment Plan is nearing the due date of his next payment.
  6. The Overdue Mail works the same as the Reminder Mail except it sends when the due date has passed.
  7. Both Reminder and Overdue Email Messages can use shortcodes: [due-date] will be replaced by the due date of the payment, [payment-link] is the direct link to the invoice where the user can pay, and [account-link] is the account page where the user can see his subscriptions and pending payments.

Important: The Email From field should be omitted if your hosting does not allow sending of emails coming from an email address that is different than your domain. For example, if you are using Poppyz on www.test.com, your email should be from test.com e.g info@test.com. Otherwise you should just leave this empty so WordPress can generate its on email based on your domain. Email providers can also mark your emails as spam if the mentioned suggestion has not been followed.